Work Enviroment – Pak Tools

Working Enviroment

We at Pak Tools are offering a friendly working environment for our employees so they stay and grow with us. We are making sure every employ is paid well and regularly receiving his/her bonus, annual leaves, salary increment, and performance bonuses. Observing international labor laws, no discrimination or harassment is practiced within our premises and workers are free to lawfully organize and join associations.
Enviroment Contribution – Pak Tools

Enviroment Contribution

We at Pak Tools are committed to build our environment more human friendly by not using equipment and machines that are leaking or causing excessive carbon emission. We want to make this earth a happy living place and therefore we are utilizing new ways that help us to protect our planet and make it safer for people next to us.
Child Labor in Pak Tools

Child Labor

Many companies find it cheap but we at Pak Tools think that a child is meant to learn, not to earn. Therefore, we strictly condemn the use of child labour and does not allow child labour in our premises as defined in ILO Convention C138.
Health n Safety at Pak Tools

Health & Safety

Pak Tools is committed to provide its employees a healthy and safe working environment. We are offering our employees and their families’ free medical aid and all basic health facilities. A qualified Dr. is available on panel in case of emergency or to give the first aid treatment.